So let's jump straight in!
#1 - A friend
No matter how socially awkward you think you are. No matter how much you might hate everybody in your school. There has to be at least one you can bare with. Getting through high school all on your own can be boring, tiring and scary. Having at least one person you can talk to will save you from things like - sitting next to people you don't know, working on group projects on your own or even getting bullied.
Don't act like there is nobody else with your preferences out there, there always is.
#2 - A comfortable bag
Not necessarily bags like the ones on the picture... But a bag that you'll feel comfortable with. There are free guidelines when buying a bag for school:
Comfort of use
You don't really want a bag that you can't fit your books into, that digs into your shoulders or one that makes people think you're actually a disguised 5 year old girl. And if you think that surviving without a bag (especially at the start) in high school is easy, think again. You'll have to keep going to your locker all the time and if not then you'll have to carry TRILLIONS UPON MILLIONS UPON INFINITIES of books.
#3 - A phone
You might think I'm going over the top teen on this one, but a mobile phone is a must in a lot of scenarios.
There are things like texting your friends where they are, asking your mum to bring your homework because you left it but I mean the most important of all...
Whenever we look like we're forever alone whilst standing in the queue, BAM! Just bring out a phone and pretend you're texting when you're actually playing Flappy Bird. Ehhhh, flappy bird.
#3 - Velcro shoes / Good knot
Most of my adventures of me re-tying my shoes (or at least trying) ended up with me being left behind by my "hawk eye" friends. I want to spare you some hatred towards your friend by making you wear velcro shoes to school or at least spending some time on googling how to tie your shoes so that they don't UNTIE EVERY 5 DAMN MINUTES.
What I do is just tie it the normal way but tie the loop things together again so that they don't untie as easily and so far, it works fine.
So that's it for my school essentials. I hope I helped you out or at least you enjoyed it.
See you soon ^.^
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