Wednesday, 11 September 2013

08:57 - 5 minutes from the life of Lena

So I am at school right now, aka. Torture Halls, and my class is in a computer room, yeah... I decided to do a 5 minutes of my life post.

The teacher is talking about us having bad handwriting, clearly not understanding I have my own font. And also reading out all the after school clubs there are, and that if we don't go to some every week, then we'll get told off. I don't go to any of them, they're all crap.

I'm also thinking of a few new post types. I might make one about my deep thoughts and theories and call it - Deep thoughts from an anus... 
It's not going to happen unless I'm going to be bored out of this world. Heather is also next to me, but we're not talking, everybody is under pressure because hardly anybody knew about photos being taken today, and everybody is annoyed how we have to wear blazers to school, bear in mind they're blazers which make you look like a rectangle, no joke. 

Yup, now I'm playing Atari Breakout on Google Images, you know, where you type in Atari Breakout in Google Images and Image Breakout comes up - literally. You guys should try it when you're bored in a computer room with a bunch of people you hate, or at least dislike.

That was the 5 minutes. See you guys later!

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