So if you're reading this then you'll probably have seen some of the changes I have done, and you've probably noticed the header and the background first.
So I REALLY didn't like the one I made previously. I tried to make the headers seasonal like previously it was spring themed, hence the flowers, but in the end it just turned out to not be the kind of thing which describes me. So if any of you happen to want to give me a gift for valentines day (please don't) then take note: I HATE FLOWERS. Most of them smell weird, you have to make an effort to change the water and then they'll probably end up withering since I'm the one taking care of them.
Damn sorry this has turned into a very depressing post.
The changes I have made include:
- Header
- Background (it's kind of ironic since they've got flowers on, oops)
- Poll
- Twitter feed
- And a count down
So (I have to stop opening sentences with 'So' I'm sorry), my birthday is in June and I really can't wait because I want 3DS XL in hot pink. I don't even like pink, but I think it's a funny thing to have, don't judge ok. And I might sound like a spoiled kid but I'm really not, it's just the way it is this year. I want too much this year and then I didn't want anything last year, and holy crap I'm talking too much.
SO BASICALLY (darn I did it again) the countdown is towards my birthday.
The twitter feed is there for you to see what things I retweet because I try not to be depressing like pretty much all teenagers these days.
The background got changed because the daisies were really annoying me, GUESS WHY.
And the poll is there for me to kinda see what you guys like and also see how few people look at this blog.
Ok, that would be it for now. I'm going to try and finish my book today so that I can do a review on it either today or tomorrow. (SPOILER): The book dies. I mean the character dies. I mean the book is awesome.
Peace out.