Hey guys! awesome.lena here!
Today I wanted to introduce you into my recent favourite and by that I don't mean Legend of Zelda. I mean Death Note, one of my new preferred anime series.
Now I know that the name seems kind of Gothic and the picture above looks like it was taken from an indie horror game that Pewdiepie screams at every minute. Like Amnesia for instance, but never mind that.

Actually to think about it, it is kind of messed up.
But I love it ^.^
No no no. Seriously. Remember on my post about Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, how I mentioned that even my sister likes the game but doesn't like games in general. Well, she HATES anime too... Except from sailor moon, but when I showed Death Note to her she was amazed! Okay, she wasn't! She liked it, but if it was a music band shed poop in her pants from her affection towards it.
Again, I'm not proud of her liking music so much. I think it's just because I don't like when people sing. Or because I don't like people..........
Okay, I don't mind people, but I hate when they express their opinions about things they don't know anything about, I'm sure that you guys will agree with me on this one.
In the end, Death Note is a fantastic anime with a great storyline and is packed with shocking and dramatic moments (especially when they eat chips and write names). Oh, and let's not forget about the humour and the most important - logic and realistic actions which you don't get around much these days. Well, unless killing all the criminals in the whole world is a realistic act...
- awesome.lena